About Us

About Qommunicate

Qommunicate Publishing, the Queer Publisher, publishes queer, themed literary and creative anthologies of short fiction, non-fiction, poetry and scripts written by, for and about LGBTQIA2+ and our allies. The “Geek Out!” series also includes queer-themed and queer-created visual art.

About Qommunity

You Belong Here is the motto of Qommunity, the original Queer Social Network, started in 2014 by Sage & Cori Kalmus as a way to bring all LGBTQIA2+ and allies together in a safe online space where everyone feels welcome.

Today, through our publishing imprint, Qommunicate Publishing, as well as our upcoming free social media resource, we aim to elevate and connect LGBTQIA2 and Allies of every unique variety under one united banner of acceptance and belonging.

Qommunity was founded in western Massachusetts in 2014 by Sage and Cori Kalmus with the intention of providing a safe and welcoming space online for all queer-identifying, questioning, curious and allied folks to connect.

Like many of us, over time, Qommunity has transformed through many stages and phases and continues to do so today, with a publishing imprint, a new social network in the works and an upcoming free queer social media resource. Stay tuned here for lots more to come.

Cofounder / President

Cori Kalmus

In addition to her work as a queer advocate and influencer, Cori is also a Mastress Electrologist. at BGEElectrology.com

Cofounder / CEO

Sage Kalmus

In addition to his work with Qommunity, Sage is also an Actor, Singer, Writer, Model & Social Media Creator. sagekalmus.com